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Fall Graduation: JF

Updated: Nov 2, 2021

JF graduated in the fall and we had the opportunity to ask his family some questions about his experience at TJS.

TJS: What brought you to TJS?

Mother: "JF was diagnosed with ASD when he was 2.5-3 years old. He has always been a wonderful human who loves animals, especially elephants, wolves, hippos and all the other African animals. He always struggled with school but it got a lot worse when he entered high school. It finally got to the point that his high school could no longer adequately educate JF and keep him and everyone else safe. Thus, his arrival at TJS."

TJS: What are some challenges you/your student/family faced in regard to your child’s diagnosis?

Mother: "Education started out being one of the biggest hurdles we struggled with regarding JF - how to best teach him (neither his dad nor I are teachers) was trying, to say the least. Once JF hit middle and high school he started getting frustrated with not being able to express what he was feeling. Once he got into high school not only was he frustrated, he learned aggression got him what he wanted."

TJS: How has TJS helped you/your student to overcome challenges?

Mother: "JF's “team” is amazing! Each teacher, therapist, and student he came in contact with helped [him] learn the skills needed to help him to help himself. His team not only helped JF, they helped me learn and understand how best to help JF in every aspect. From attending to tasks, to learning how to calm himself by the use of coping skills, and various other skills that he uses daily."

TJS: What are you most excited about for your student after his/her TJS experience?

Mother: "I am excited to see where he goes with his life. He will always need someone to help support him, but now it will be so much easier for him to communicate what he wants to do."

TJS: What will you miss about TJS??

Mother: "EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE! I will treasure our entire experience forever."


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