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Student Spotlight: LR

About Maroon Peak....

Maroon Peak currently has 5 high school-aged girls ranging from 14-17 years old.. All of the students use a form of  an Augmentative Communication Device. 

Tell us about LR...

LR is 16 years old and has been in Maroon Peak for two years.. “She’s funny, hardworking and determined,” says Annie Coder, Lead Teacher of Maroon Peak. “LR is making really awesome progress in class, especially in her communication skills! She recently began initiating saying "hi" to people around the school!”

LR has been doing AMAZING at riding in cars and going to get preferred items (typically ice cream). She loves to hang out with her teachers. She loves all things colorful (ribbons and jump rope that people can shake with her. Increasingly, LR shows pride in her work and loves sharing photos of things she has done with people.

“LR is an absolute joy to have in Maroon Peak,” says Annie. “She brightens everyone’s day with her contagious smile, and her hard word and stamina to push through anything is admirable.”

“I am SO proud to be her teacher!” 


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